Both born and raised in the small city of Lethbridge Alberta to divorced parents in low class households, under going many hardships in their lives, created this clothing line as satire to make fun of the term white privilege as they have not experienced any of it and do not believe in the term.
Both have continually come under fire since the launching of the brand by liberals and liberal media for supporting “racist and white supremacist views” which in there opinion and reality are completely fictious.

“Our idea is we never coined the term white privilege the liberal media has and if your going to call us that (in a slanderous fashion) then we will wear the term like a badge of honor and take the term for ourselves like some other groups have in the past. If it is not racist for you to call me white and privileged then why all of a sudden is it racist for me to call myself that?”
The aforementioned paragraph should be enough for anyone to see and question the double standards in today’s society where if your idea does not align with the liberal narrative you are automatically labelled a bigot, racist, homophobic, transphobic or whatever new term they decide to invent that day. In closing we do not believe anyone is better or less than anyone based on skin color. If your a good person your just that a good person and if your a piece of shit .. well….. your a piece of shit.